Delete Chaos

Grow Profit & Valuation

Get the Freedom You Have Earned

“Using Richard as our implementer was the single best decision we have made in the 12 years we have owned our business. Richard is a hard-driving professional who cares immensely about the people and the businesses he works with. He is intense about OUR business and I believe that is one of the key factors to how successful this has been for us over the past 15 months. I now know that EVERY member of my team knows where we are going. We have a leadership team that can handle every aspect of the business. Issues that might have languished for months are now brought to the surface and resolved on a weekly basis. And my stress and workload have been reduced immensely. I cannot recommend Richard strongly enough. If you are considering hiring him, the only thing I would say is “What it taking you so long?"

- Chris Alcorn, President, Alcorn Construction, Inc.


Meet The Peak Coach, Richard Palmer-Smith. Richard’s approach to helping you build the team and the system that will successfully reach your business goals is unique and customized to your company and your specific challenges. He works hand-in-glove with you to tool up and coach up everyone on your team. While the journey isn’t always easy, he makes sure that you have fun with it and celebrate the milestones along the way.  Keep reading to learn how.

Are You Ready to Begin Your Journey?

Reach out today to discover more about your unique path to success.

  • People

    A unified team working toward a common goal will always get further than even the most motivated individual.

  • Strategy

    The climb to the top requires serious thinking. You have to figure out what you’re really all about and what makes you different.

  • Execution

    Devise a strategy for business operations, meetings, and everything else you do, and keep it consistent.

  • Cash

    With the right people, a clearly defined purpose, a detailed playbook, and consistent performance, profits are nearly inevitable.

  • Valuation

    You don’t have to get it all done in a day, but focus on incremental improvement and keep track as it happens.