
Hear directly from clients who have found success using Richard’s process.

  • Sheryl Hadley, President, Relocation & Organization

    From the very first time my leadership team and I sat down with Richard, we knew that our business was going to make a quantum leap. The system that he helps us implement is simple, scaleable, and effective. I have a team that is 100% on the same page and working together to realize the bigger vision for Organization & Relocation Richard is highly effective & pasionate at bringing out the best from my team and making sure that we are executing on the best plan to grow the company. There are days of working with him when we all leave feeling like our hair is on fire! It’s a wonderful feeling to be so excited for where we are taking the company. I have and will continue to highly recommend Richard.

  • Drew Ungvarsky, CEO/Owner, Grow Marketing

    Hiring Richard has been the single most transformative change to our business in nearly 15 years of operation. It's given us incredible clarity, alignment, accountability, measurability, and a systematic approach to our pursuit of a better, stronger, and more successful business. Under Richard’s guidance, we’ve built a real leadership team — one that truly owns its responsibility and is accountable for running the business. We’ve stopped shifting priorities, and everyone is truly rowing in the same direction with a great sense of purpose. I can’t recommend highly enough hiring Richard.

  • Greg Toler, President/Owner, CenterPoint Integrated Solutions

    Richard began working with us 3 years ago. I had been searching for a system to help me run a new company and a person who, more importantly, would help us grow the business. I found both in Richard and his system. I am excited to report that in three years, we have doubled our revenue from $8.5 to over $16M and grown our staff from 18 to over 50. This year we are on track to have revenue growth of $20M and we have opened a second office on the east coast. The growth has been phenomenal, and we continue to climb our next mountain, or Pinnacle. I have been solicited by numerous consultants each with their own area of expertise, but they did not provide a comprehensive strategy for how to run the business. This is what Richard does best. I can honestly say that Richard’s knowledge of business and bringing the “total package” has been the major key to our growth. If you own a company or run a company, an investment to hire Richard is one that will pay dividends beyond your expectations. More important is this: he is there to continue to share in your company’s success and I think that is what motivates him, and he enjoys in that shared success. I would highly recommend you seek out Richard for his wisdom and guidance on growing your company to a level you never even imagined.

  • Chris Alcorn, President, Alcorn Construction Inc.

    Using Richard as our implementer was the single best decision we have made in the 12 years we have owned our business. Richard is a hard-driving professional who cares immensely about the people and the businesses he works with. He is intense about OUR business and I believe that is one of the key factors to how successful this has been for us over the past 15 months. I now know that EVERY member of my team knows where we are going. We have a leadership team that can handle every aspect of the business. Issues that might have languished for months are now brought to the surface and resolved on a weekly basis. And my stress and workload have been reduced immensely. I cannot recommend Richard strongly enough. If you are considering hiring him, the only thing I would say is “What it taking you so long?"

  • Stuart Birdsong, Owner, Twin Pines Investment Group

    We came to Richard as a small, eager team looking for help to grow our business. While we found an exceptional Implementor, in Richard, we, more importantly, met a wonderful business coach, life coach, friend and trusted advisor. He has exceeded all of our expectations, because, at the core, Richard is who he says he is. We have grown as an organization, learned about ourselves and how we interact, and have really started building the business we love to be a part of. This is all thanks to Richard. I will share with you, that if you want unbridled honesty and a person to bring their best to your business, then I couldn't think of a better person than Richard Palmer-Smith. We are forever grateful for all of his help and will continue to lean on Richard as we continue to grow. Thank you Richard!

  • Kenny Sandhu, Co-Founder & Principal, MetalsNet.com

    Richard was exactly what we needed when he came to us an implementer, coach and facilitator. We had grown relatively quickly for 7 years but then had stalled on growth for a few quarters. With Richards help, we have grown almost 30% since working with him and bringing on his systems to our organization. Richard was instrumental in helping us craft a solid vision for the future of the business as well as a powerful customized operating system for the daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly issues we face working in the business. I would strongly recommend Richard for your company a professional resource as we as a wonderful person personally.

  • Tom Sunderland, CEO/Owner, Native Edge Landscapes

    If you’re looking for true organizational clarity, team alignment, and a dynamic, engaging business coach or implementer that will provide your team with the powerful tools and accountability needed to grow strong together, Richard Palmer-Smith is your guy. Having just finished our first year of system implementation and fresh off the heels of our first two-day annual meeting, all seven members of our leadership team are seeing the same company, sharing one vision, and marching to the beat of one drum for the first time in our 20 year history. In relatively short order, our team's focus, performance, and overall team health has increased two-fold. Perhaps most important, we all wholeheartedly agree that hiring Richard to help us build the path that will take us from good to great, was without question the right choice.

  • Eddie O'Leary, CEO/Owner, CoLab

    Richard does not mess around and I continue to be really enthusiastic our system and him as our implementer! He brings a level of energy to each meeting and treats my team like we are the most important thing to him. He quickly built trust and rapport with my leadership team and has a rare ability to cut through all of the emotions and egos and drive us to make confident decisions on tough issues. As a result, we have made material progress on something that we have been struggling with for years. After many years in business, thousands of clients, and millions of dollars, there are very few things that I come across that make me say, “Holy shit! How did I not know about this?” Having an operating system is one of those things. As the owner, I have had a vision and mission for my business but have struggled to get my people on board with it. I now have a process to get all of my people seeing it and believing it and I am bursting at the seams with excitement for where we can take this company. I am happy!

  • Devon Tilly, CEO/Owner, Mountain View Window & Door

    I finally have freedom! Implementing our system has taken my company from a system of ‘go ask the owner’ to having a unified team with a proven method for solving problems that works. Working with Richard is fun! He has a great talent for listening and understanding the team and then challenging them so that they get stuff done. He has helped us clarify our values and our vision and now our entire team is excited and passionate about the direction of the company and not just me. If you don’t have a good system for your business then call Richard.

  • Jason Sutterfield, Managing Director, Grow Inc.

    We love working with Richard! He has the ability to look into our team and drive to the core of the issue that we are facing. It is difficult for a third party to look in on a team and even though he has not worked directly in our industry, he was able to drop in and quickly understand what we were working on and drive the conversation so that we could address the issues that were slowing us down. Richard has helped us drive accountability into our company and brought our team much closer together. We now have a clear vision and clear goals from a 1, 3, and 10-year perspective and we are all rowing in the same direction. It has also helped us come together as a team, drive accountability, and address our issues quarter by quarter.

  • Jessica Bachus, Founder & Executive Director, Kenzi's Causes

    Richard has the personality that makes you want to get to know him and be a part of his circle. He has integrity, experience, and a caring,charismatic personality. I had the pleasure of working with Richard to move my organization forward and to continue to impact the families we serve. Richard anticipated my needs before we met and came up with a positive strategy to help take my organization to the next level. I was impressed by the attention to detail, the time dedicated to my organization and the amazing knowledge I walked away with. In Richard I have found the most amazing business coach and someone I am proud to call my friend.

  • Steve Neely, CEO/Owner of VSI Parylene

    Working with Richard has been fantastic! He has the unique ability to get people out of their comfort zones and forcing effective conversation, even when there is conflict. He has helped coach us so that we are able to stay focused in working together with a clear direction. As a result, we are clear on our goals and results every day. Our business has become much more agile and we have been able to successfully pivot our company to take advantage of the best opportunities we can see. Richard saves anyone who runs a business a tremendous amount of time and energy by focusing their efforts on the business instead of the systems that run the business.