
Richard Palmer-Smith, The Peak Coach

He is known as The Peak Coach, because his passion is helping leaders achieve more than they ever though was possible.

He started his first company at the age of 16. At 19, he moved to Boulder, CO to attend the University of Colorado and started a construction company in 1993 to pay for tuition and living expenses.

Admittedly, he made every mistake in the business owner handbook, but eventually he did figure it out and grew the company to running teams working on the meticulous interior woodworking on $20Mn+ homes.

He is a former EOS certified implementer, a co-founder (and the leadership team coach for) the Pinnacle Business System. He is a certified Scaling Up coach and certified the teachings of Patrick Lencione. Over the years, he has realized that a one-size-fits-all approach limits a company’s growth.  

He has worked with 500+ business leaders over 750+ full-day sessions and has found that bringing a blended and customized approach to each of his teams works best. His process works 100% of the time that the team does the work. Multiples of growth are the usual outcome with some teams experiencing 10X growth and beyond.

If you would like to experience what it would feel like to delete the chaos in your company, grow profit and valuation more reliably, and get back the freedom you have earned, then contact him today. 

“Hiring Richard has been the single most transformative change to our business in nearly 15 years of operation. It's given us incredible clarity, alignment, accountability, measurability, and a systematic approach to our pursuit of a better, stronger, and more successful business. Under Richard’s guidance, we’ve built a real leadership team — one that truly owns its responsibility and is accountable for running the business. We’ve stopped shifting priorities, and everyone is truly rowing in the same direction with a great sense of purpose. I can’t recommend highly enough hiring Richard.”

- Drew Ungvarsky, CEO/Owner, Grow Marketing